Global Citizen Concierge Program

Global Citizen Certificate Holders FAQ

  • Is the Global Citizen Certificate Program still accepting applications?

    No. In accordance with the Immigration (Transition) (Global Citizen Exemption) (Amendment) Regulations, 2021, an application for a Global Citizen Certificate under these Regulations shall be made no later than the 31st of October, 2022. As such, no new applications are being accepted and the application form has been closed.
  • Is the Global Citizen Concierge Program still operating?

    The Global Citizen Concierge Call Centre and Ticketing system are currently not in operation. However, current Certificate Holders may contact the Concierge Management team at for assistance with queries or concerns.
  • How long is a Global Citizen Certificate valid for?

    A Global Citizen Certificate is valid for a maximum period of 24 months. Upon the 1st anniversary of date of the Certificate Holder’s arrival on island, an annual fee is due. Certificate Holders must complete the Application Fee Payment form to complete the payment process.
  • Can I renew my Global Citizen Certificate?

    A Global Citizen Certificate cannot be renewed or extended past the 24-month limit. Certificate Holders are encouraged to seek the advice of an immigration consultant or lawyer when considering their options if they wish to live within the Cayman Islands past the expiration of their certificate.

    The Cayman Islands Department of Tourism is not an immigration consultant or immigration services agency.
  • What are my options after my Global Citizen Certificate has expired?

    Certificate Holders are encouraged to seek the advice of an immigration consultant or lawyer when considering their options if they wish to live within the Cayman Islands past the expiration of their certificate.

    The Cayman Islands Department of Tourism is not an immigration consultant or immigration services agency.
  • Can I call to speak to someone for assistance?

    Certainly! Please contact the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism at (345) 949-0623 and ask to speak to one of our Concierge Managers about the Global Citizen Certificate Program.
  • I have paid my Annual Fee. What is next?

    Continue to enjoy living in the Cayman Islands! There is no new certificate generated nor is another stamp needed. If you haven’t received your stamp yet, please attend WORC Headquarters with your passport and Global Citizen Certificate to have your passport endorsed,

Have more questions?

Contact the Concierge Management Team at
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