Page 13 - Marketing Milestone
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D E P A R T M E N T   O F   T O U R I S M

                                                M I L E S T O N E S

             OCT                                  During COVID-19

                    01   Weekly communications sent to industry

                           on COVID and tourism updates.

                            Monitoring of social media comments and

                           messages to answer questions regarding
                           travel restrictions and border reopening.

                           Assist with call centre. Record and

                           forward applicant queries for Displaced
                           Tourism Employees Stipend Program

                    05   Re-launched TV and print

                           advertising using ‘Worth the Wait’

                    13   Launched Fall Roundtable Series –


                    20   Launch of the virtual series:

                           ‘Tourism Starts with US!’

                    26   Global Citizen Concierge Program

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