Page 4 - Marketing Milestone
P. 4

Department of Tourism Milestones


               This  year's  COVID-19  pandemic  created  conjunction  with  other  supporting  government
            unprecedented challenges, impacting the global tourism  departments. Leading up to the return of tourism, these
            industry and many aspects of society, from shelter-in-place  marketing programs have communicated to the public and
            regulations  to  international  border  closures  to  travel  key stakeholders that the quality of the Cayman experience
            restrictions. After swiftly and effectively closing its borders  is more elevated than ever before.
            to international travel and cruise traffic in
            early March 2020, the Cayman Islands has
            been aggressive in its efforts to protect its
            people and visitors.
               During this period, the Ministry of
            To u r i s m   a n d   C a y m a n   I s l a n d s
            Department of Tourism (CIDOT) worked
            continuously to respond to the needs of
            the  industry  by  instituting  measures  to
            assist those who were suddenly faced with
            unemployment,  closure  of  businesses,
            and  coordinating  efforts  to  ready  the
            sector for the different phases of tourism's
            return. This year, the CIDOT led many
            m a r k e t i n g   m i l e s t o n e s   a n d
            communications  efforts  to  keep  the
            Cayman  Islands  top-of-mind  with
            international  media  and  travelers  as  a
            premier, luxury destination that is worth
            the wait.
               The  following  booklet  outlines  key
            marketing efforts and initiatives achieved
            by  the  Ministry  and  CIDOT,  in

            O U R   T I M E   A P A R T   W I L L   O N L Y
            M A K E   T H E   D R E A M,   D R E A M I E R.
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